Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
name 2
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
name 3
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
name 4
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Мы — бунтари. Мы вдохновляемся уличной культурой, гранжем, неординарными решениями, не свойственными представлениям о plus size моде. Это вызов индустрии, которая ограничивала выбор. Мы бренд, который говорит: «Ты можешь быть собой, какой бы ни была твоя фигура»
Мы для тех, кто ищет свободы в стиле, в выборе, в жизни. Мы создаем одежду для трендсеттеров — они вдохновляют, осмеливаются, бросают вызов шаблонам и задают стиль